Zan Hub contributes with chapter in
02 September 2020

50 topics on M&A transactions and merger control regime explained by leading national experts from top law firms in more than 40 jurisdictions.

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Being selected as competition expert in Kazakhstan, we are happy to introduce Mergerfilers, gathering the most complete and comprehensive information about merger control across the globe. This is a quite unique tool available free of charge to professionals, legal and business, involved in M&A transactions.

Each country chapter covers 50 topics such as type of transactions subject to merger control, thresholds, procedures, exemptions, other regulatory approvals and industry-specific requirements, etc.

The Guide is updated regularly to keep the content always up-to-date. Our Zan Hub team represented by Akylbek Kussainov, Ilmira Yuldasheva and Tatyana Veryovkina will ensure such update in respect of Kazakhstan chapter.

The guide is also a selected database containing decisions of competition authorities in various jurisdictions. Needless to say that having access to such volume of regulatory and practical information from one single and trustworthy source is very helpful, convenient and efficient.