IPO of Kaspi.kz
23 October 2020

JSC Kaspi.kz made an initial public offering (IPO) on London Stock Exchange (LSE) and Astana International Exchange. Kaspi.kz achieved a market capitalization of US$ 6.5 billion on its first date of conditional trading, which makes the company’s IPO as Britain’s second biggest IPO so far in 2020, Europe’s fourth largest and the largest on Astana International Exchange.

Zan Hub acted as legal and tax advisor to the Goldman Sachs Group (shareholder of Kaspi.kz) and provided legal advice on aspects of Kazakhstani legislation. 
The project was carried out by the firm partners Aituar Madin, Safkhan Shahmammadli, Semion Issyk, senior associates Karina Sultanaliyeva and Altynay Mambetalina.